Nell'ambito del Colloquium di Dipartimento il prof. Nicola Arcozzi, della Università di Bologna, giovedì 19 dicembre alle ore 14:30 presso la Sala delle Riunioni (III piano), terrà un seminario dal titolo: 

Differential Inequalities vs. Integral Inequalities

Tutti sono invitati a partecipare
Proff. Adriano Tomassini,  Alessandra Lunardi


Jensen's inequality says that the differential inequality defining convexity is equivalent to an integral inequality. This is a special instance of a more general phenomenon, an idea with manifold ramifications in analysis, PDEs, and probability: subharmonicity methods in integral inequalities; otpimal stopping and optimal control in stochastic processes, and, more recently, the "Bellman function technique" in harmonic analysis, developed since the late 90s by Nazarov, Treil, and Volberg. The seminar is an excursion around this topic, following one among many possible paths.

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