Seminario di Fisica Matematica

Speaker: Prof. Niclas Bernhoff (Karlstad University, Svezia)

Data e ora: Giovedì 22 settembre, ore 11.30.

Luogo: Sala Riunioni, plesso di Matematica/Informatica, III piano.

Titolo: Compactness property of the linearized Boltzmann operator for multicomponent mixtures of monatomic and polyatomic gases

The linearized Boltzmann collision operator for monatomic single species can be written as the sum of a positive multiplication operator and a compact operator. This classical result was more recently extended to monatomic multicomponent mixtures and polyatomic single species. In this talk, we address a possible extension to multicomponent mixtures of monatomic and polyatomic gases, as well as some related properties, as Fredholmness and self-adjointness of the linearized collision operator.


Organizzatrice: prof.ssa Marzia Bisi - e-mail:

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