The oral exam in presence will take place on Monday 5th December from 3 p.m., in the Sala Riunioni Direzione at the Physics Department, Parco Area delle Scienze 7/a, Parma.
The distance oral exam will take place electronically through the Microsoft Teams platform, as reported in the PhD call announcement.
The candidates who have requested to participate to the oral examination online must be available on Monday 5th December within the following time-slots:

- Dott. Artem Alexandrov: from 03:45 PM to 04:15 PM, Italian time
- Dott.ssa Hina Inam: from 04:30 PM to 05:15 PM, Italian time

During these scheduled time slots the candidates will be called twice by the PhD board. If they won’t be available during these time slots, they will be considered “no show” and excluded from the evaluation of
the oral exam.

The PhD exam board

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