Data e ora: Venerdì 15 dicembre 2023 ore 12.30 - 13:30 
Dove: Aula C, Plesso di Matematica 

Titolo: Automatic extraction of robotic surgery actions from text and kinematic data

Relatore: Dr. Marco Bombieri, University of Verona, Italy

Short Abstract: The latest generation of robotic systems is becoming increasingly autonomous due to technological advancements and artificial intelligence. The medical field, particularly surgery, is also interested in these technologies because automation would benefit surgeons and patients. While the research community is active in this direction, commercial surgical robots do not currently operate autonomously due to the risks involved in dealing with human patients: it is still considered safer to rely on human surgeons' intelligence for decision-making issues. This means that robots must possess human-like intelligence, including various reasoning capabilities and extensive knowledge, to become more autonomous and credible. As demonstrated by current research in the field, indeed, one of the most critical aspects in developing autonomous systems is the acquisition and management of knowledge. In particular, a surgical robot must base its actions on solid procedural surgical knowledge to operate autonomously, safely, and expertly. This seminar investigates different possibilities for automatically extracting and managing surgical knowledge from surgical textbooks or kinematic data acquired during surgery.

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